Summer Bucket List
I had this grand plan of creating a summer bucket-list, and I am living it out in my best #funmom fashion!
I can’t do anything half-hearted, so I dreamed up writing down all of our summertime fun activities on a poster board and crossing them off as we went. But, as good plans often go to the waist-side, the summer days got ahead of me. So now the bucket list lives in my headspace, but maybe that’s how it was supposed to be. We are still doing all of the things, but without a physical list. I’m embracing being a fun mom, going to the splash park at every opportunity, and to get ice cream at night.
Our first time going out for frozen custard. I have probably driven by Rita’s a million times, but we rode our bikes and ordered the good stuff. The kids approved!
Also embracing and celebrating my son’s new found love for swimming under water. I felt like a fun mom for pulling out the GoPro and documenting this milestone. And he loved looking at the photos of him under water.
We are stopping to pick up the flowers, and bring out the chalk and drawing said flowers. I love catching my children in action, living out their childhood.
This post is part of a blog hop with Exhale—an online community of women pursuing creativity alongside motherhood, led by the writing team behind Coffee + Crumbs. Click here to view the next post in the series "Fun Mom Summer".
Beautiful photos! Here’s the next post in the series!
Love the underwater photo!